Monday, 13 September 2010

BISHOP THUC by Michael Bawden


This man is an enigma. So here is a brief time line of his life compiled from various sources, including those on the Internet. These will be linked, but this does not imply endorsement by the Vatican. Rather these are linked only as sources of information to show where the information has been derived.

Born in Phu-Cam, Vietnam, Archdiocese of Hue, October 6, 1897

Ordained December 20, 1925

Titular Bishop of Sessina, January 8, 1938; consecrated May , 1938

1938 received special faculties

1959, became a schismatic for accepting Antipope John XXIII as Pope, and a heretic in 1963 for signing Vatican II documents.

Archbishop of Hue, November 24, 1960 (note the Vatican holds this as invalid)

Transferred to Bulla Regia, February 17, 1968.(By accepting this transfer, Ngo-Dihn accepts the validity of Antipope Paul VI)

Visited Econe and was invited to teach there.

Listed in the 1975 Annuario Pontificio

1976, January 11, consecrated Clemente Dominguez Y Gomez and Alonso Corral at Palmar de Troya, Spain for Marcel Lefebvre.

1977, February 8, consecrates Jean Laborie

1977, March 19 consecrates Claude Nanta of Tirrini

1978, October, 19 consecrates Roger Kozik and Michel Fernandez

1981, Holy Thursday, concelebrates Novus Ordo Missae at Cathedral of Toulon with the Bishop of that diocese

1981, May 7 consecrates Guerard des Lauriers with the New Rite of Ordination

1981, October 17, consecrates Moises Carmona and Aldofo Zamora with the New Rite of Ordination

1981, December 19 Makes Declaration that he did Palmar ordinations and consecrations with full lucidity. Made in Toulon

February 25, 1982 declares the Papacy vacant

1982, March 9, invites priests to teach in seminary from Munich

March 22, 1982 in Munich according to pictures from Einsicht

April 18, 1982, alleged consecration of Jean-Gerard Roux. Heller testifies Ngo-Dinh was not in Italy, but in Munich.

September 25, 1982: consecrates Christian Marie Datessen.

December 1982 until January 1984 in Rochester New York with Louis Vezelis.

1984, December 13, dies in Carthage, Missouri near St. Louis in the Novus Ordo Church.

His interest in the traditional movement appears to have begun in early 1975 when he visited Abp. Lefebvre’s seminary in Ecône, Switzerland. The event would turn out to be a mixed blessing. There Abp. Thuc struck up an acquaintance with Father M. Revaz, former Chancellor of the Swiss Diocese of Sion and professor of Canon Law at the Ecône seminary. Later in 1975, Father Revaz convinced Abp. Thuc that the solution to the Church’s problems were to be found in alleged “Marian apparitions” at Palmar de Troya, Spain, and he urged the Archbishop to consecrate bishops for the Palmar supporters, who wished to preserve the traditional Mass. Abp. Thuc agreed and performed the consecrations in December. The next year, however, Abp. Thuc repudiated his connections with the Palmar group. (Anthony Cekada. Since he would have been at Econe, we can consider Cekada an eyewitness.)

Monsgr (Lefebrve),

I have heard that you are in this moment in bad health. This is why I have taken the audacity to tell you the following:

You have been consecrated a bishop by Cardinal Lienart, (who) never believed in our religion, so your consecration by him has been nulled. I am ready to consecrate you a bishop or you can find a bishop to consecrate you secretly.

As regards the ecclesiastics that you made priests, find a bishop, for example myself, to consecrate them. All this, is in strict secrecy, known only between you and I.

Pierre Martin Ngo-dihn-Thuc, Archbishop

Note new information has come to light on Lienart's alleged connections to Freemasonry.

Other sites of interest

Dr. Rama Coomeraswamy circa 1990: It is true that he (Thuc) signed the documents of Vatican II. Considering the psychological and emotional pressures the bishops were under, this is hardly surprising. It should however be remembered that Archbishop Lefebvre also signed these documents, and no one denies the legitimacy of Lefebvre’s Orders. (Several doubt the validity of Lefebvre's Orders, including Thuc himself, see above.)

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