Saturday, 19 March 2011


EVANGELHO Lc 2, 41-51a

Evangelho de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas

Os pais de Jesus iam todos os anos a Jerusalém,
pela festa da Páscoa.
Quando Ele fez doze anos,
subiram até lá, como era costume nessa festa.
Quando eles regressavam, passados os dias festivos,
o Menino Jesus ficou em Jerusalém,
sem que seus pais o soubessem.
Julgando que Ele vinha na caravana,
fizeram um dia de viagem
e começaram a procurá-l’O entre os parentes e conhecidos.
Não O encontrando,
voltaram a Jerusalém, à sua procura.
Passados três dias,
encontraram-n’O no templo,
sentado no meio dos doutores,
a ouvi-los e a fazer-lhes perguntas.
Todos aqueles que O ouviam
estavam surpreendidos com a sua inteligência e as suas respostas.
Quando viram Jesus, seus pais ficaram admirados;
e sua Mãe disse-Lhe:
«Filho, porque procedeste assim connosco?
Teu pai e eu andávamos aflitos à tua procura».
Jesus respondeu-lhes:
«Porque Me procuráveis?
Não sabíeis que Eu devia estar na casa de meu Pai?».
Mas eles não entenderam as palavras que Jesus lhes disse.
Jesus desceu então com eles para Nazaré
e era-lhes submisso.
Palavra da salvação.


'Jesus is found in the Temple', William Holman Hunt

Each time they are in Jerusalem, the boy is taken to the Temple. There he sees the academies set up within the Temple to teach young men. He is excited by what he sees, and wishes he could join the other students.
On his twelfth birthday he is told by everyone that he is now a man, and must assume the responsibilities of an adult.

While his parents are busy elsewhere, he goes into one of the academies, to listen. He finds himself drawn into the discussion. He has already studied in the synagogue in Nazareth, and he enjoys hearing new opinions and arguments.

Time passes. He is so absorbed in scholarly debate that he does not notice his parents have left. Each of his parents assume he is with the other. He has previously travelled with the women and children, but now that he is a man he can travel with the men's group. He could be in either.

They leave the city the next day without realizing that he is not with them. When they do, they are horrified and rush back to the city. Sensibly, he has not tried to find them, but has stayed within the Temple courts, probably finding a meal and a bed among the regular students of the Temple academy.

When his parents eventually find him, his mother reproaches him. But the young boy knows he has found his niche. It is not in the little village to which he will dutifully return.

The wider world beckons to him.

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