Friday, 18 January 2013


Cardenal Cañizares: Si Lefebvre hubiera visto la Misa bien celebrada "no hubiese dado el paso que dio"

ROMA, 17 Ene. 13 / 01:34 pm (ACI).- El Prefecto de la Congregación para el Culto Divino y la Disciplina de los Sacramentos, Cardenal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, develó que el Superior General de la Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pío X (FSSPX), Bernard Fellay, le comentó alguna vez que si el arzobispo Marcel Lefebvre hubiera visto la Misa bien celebrada, "no hubiese dado el paso que dio".

El Cardenal hizo esta afirmación el pasado 15 de enero en respuesta a las preguntas de los periodistas luego de dar una conferencia sobre el Concilio Vaticano II en la Embajada de España ante la Santa Sede.
El Purpurado español contó el hecho a manera de anécdota: "en una ocasión vino a verme entre otros, Mons. (Bernard) Fellay, que preside a los de la Hermandad de San Pío X y me dijo, ‘venimos de una abadía que queda junto a Florencia. Si Mons. Lefebvre hubiese conocido como se celebraba allí, no hubiese dado el paso que dio’. Ese misal que se celebraba allí es el Misal de Pablo VI en su realidad más estricta".

El Misal Romano de Pablo VI es la expresión ordinaria de la Misa nacida del Concilio Vaticano II y es uno de las disposiciones que rechaza la FSSPX y que es motivo de cisma. Los Lefebvristas defienden las tradición del antiguo Misal Romano de San Pio V, también conocido como misal de Juan XXIII por haber sido revisado en 1962, (durante su pontificado).

El Cardenal Cañizares conversó luego con un grupo más reducido de periodistas, a quienes les precisó un poco más lo que dijo sobre los lefebvristas y el Misal de Pablo VI: "incluso los que siguen a la Hermandad de San Pío X, fundada por Mons. Lefebvre, cuando participan en la Eucaristía bien celebrada, dicen, ‘si esto fuese así en todas partes no habría necesidad de lo que ha ocurrido’ y que realmente nos ha producido esta separación".

El Prefecto explicó además que "el (Concilio) Vaticano II más que los cambios, nos ofrece una visión de la liturgia en continuidad con toda la Tradición de la Iglesia y la reflexión teológica que hace sobre la liturgia. Los cambios son consecuencia de esta reflexión teológica dentro de la Tradición eclesial y además también continuando con todo el movimiento litúrgico que se había iniciado en Francia con la reflexión del Padre Prosper Gueranger".

Para tratar demostrar que la liturgia no debe ser motivo de división, a mediados de 2007 el Papa Benedicto XVI publicó el Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum por el que estableció la plena liberación para el uso del Misal de San Pío V.

Son otros muchos los pasos dados por el Santo Padre para propiciar la reconciliación con la FSSPX. El 21 de enero de 2009 levantó la excomunión que pesaba sobre los cuatro obispos ordenados por Lefebvre en 1988, entre ellos Bernard Fellay. Aunque recordó que los cuatro obispos debían dar su "pleno reconocimiento del Concilio Vaticano II", así como al Magisterio de los Papas posteriores a Pío XII para la plena comunión.

Una vez más, en 2011, el Papa dio la oportunidad a la FSSPX de terminar con el cisma con la oferta de un preámbulo doctrinal.

En 2012 el órgano de la Iglesia encargado del diálogo con la FSSPX, la Pontificia Comisión Ecclesia Dei, anunció que estos pidieron "un tiempo adicional de reflexión y estudio" sobre la aceptación de dicho preámbulo.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


   Vanity Fair' dedica capa da edição italiana ao arcebispo Georg Gänswein

Capa da edição italiana da revista

'Vanity Fair' escreve sobre secretário do Papa que "ser belo não é pecado"

A revista 'Vanity Fair' dedica a capa da sua edição italiana, que será publicada na quarta-feira, ao secretário pessoal do Papa, o arcebispo alemão Georg Gänswein, com o título ‘Padre Georg, ser belo não é pecado’. Ontem, os cabelos compridos e os Pink Floyd, hoje a fama de sacerdote severo que recebe cartas de amor, mas também a eminência parda do Vaticano, sobretudo depois de ser promovido a arcebispo titular de Urbisaglia e novo prefeito da Casa Pontifícia", escreve a revista numa nota enviada à agência Efe, que inclui parte da reportagem.

A Vanity Fair chama ao arcebispo, de 56 anos, o "George Clooney do Vaticano" e acrescenta que este "aparecerá cada vez menos, mas terá cada vez mais poder".

"Pessoalmente vejo o meu papel ao serviço do pontífice como um cristal. Quanto mais límpido está, mais alcança o seu objetivo. Tenho que deixar entrar o sol e quanto menos se veja o cristal, melhor. Se não se vê nada, quer dizer que tudo corre bem", resumiu o secretário do Papa sobre as suas obrigações quando recebeu um prémio, frase que a revista recuperou.

Georg Gänswein nasceu em Waldshut (Alemanha), a 30 de julho de 1956. Foi ordenado sacerdote a 31 de maio de 1984. Em 1993 obteve a licenciatura em Direito Canónico pela Universidade de Munique e em 1996 foi transferido para a Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé então dirigida pelo Cardeal Joseph Ratzinger, hoje Bento XVI. Desde 2005, quando Bento XVI foi eleito Papa, Gänswein é o seu secretário pessoal. No passado dia 6 foi consagrado arcebispo pelo pontífice.

Georg Gänswein gosta de ténis e durante a juventude foi professor de esqui.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013


Frs. Francois Chazal and Joseph Pfeiffer Founding the SSPX of the Strict Observance
Based Strictly upon Archbishop Lefebvre’s Traditional Catholic Principles
Which They Say Have Been Abandoned by Bernie Fellay and His Neo-SSPX
Three Other Leading SSPX “Resistance Priests” Have Joined as Founding Fathers
Groups around the World Have Applied to Them for Help and to Offer Help

On September 21, 2012, the announcement came forth like the trumpet of the Apocalypse: a new Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance was founded on August 10, 2012, by the Vienna (Virginia) Declaration. The founding members are five leading priests of the SSPX. 25 more SSPX “resistance priests” have been identified so far and are expected to form the core of the SSPX-SO.
Described in the words of the Declaration as a “united core of priests faithful to the position always maintained by Archbishop Lefebvre,” Frs. Joseph Pfeiffer, Ronald Ringrose, Richard Voigt, David Hewko, and Francois Chazal, coming from various areas around the world, signed the founding documents. Joining the priests in the SSPX-Strict Observance are a number of SSPX religious and laity, to name just a few: Mother Ann-Marie Simoulin, Dom Thomas Aquinas (Benedictines of Brazil), and Dr. David White, who has previously given classes at the SSPX seminary in Winona, Minnesota.

The five founding fathers have elected Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer as their leader for a term of two years (compared to Fellay’s dictatorial 24 years). The fathers have refused to give up the name “Society of St. Pius X” because “we did not change the message; the official line of the [Neo-]SSPX has changed.” Although the founding fathers note that Fellay has not yet signed any “sellout deal” with Newrome, they publicly “withdraw the exercise of obedience to him for motives of Faith until this crisis is over,” in order for the priests to maintain obedience to God in their sworn Anti-Modernist Oath. Ironically, this was the same Anti-Modernist Oath to God that Fellay himself swore when he entered Major Orders with Archbishop Lefebvre.

The Society of St. Pius X of the Strict Observance has set up its headquarters at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the United States, with permanent resident priests and a bank account to receive financial support. The SSPX-SO plans to start a traditional Catholic school at the headquarters and organs of communication. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network’s Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, and locate the contact information in the chapter, “Traditional Catholic Organizations.”

In addition to the 25 other priests whom Fellay has expelled or threatened to expel from his Neo-SSPX, the SSPX of the Strict Observance has announced that it will welcome “all the priests that Fellay sends them” — sardonically referring to the nearly three dozen priests whom Fellay has expelled, with more to be expelled, from his Neo-SSPX. Frankly, it is wonderful to see that the SSPX-SO has a sense of humor, as Our Lord had so often in Sacred Scripture, instead of the dictatorial, autocratic, humorless Fellay, who is more reminiscent of the corrupt leader of the Jewish Temple, Caiphas, who persecuted the Lord and took a cut of the Temple treasury, or more reminiscent of Judas, who stole from the apostles’ purse and betrayed the Lord.

The founding fathers indicate that anti-Fellay groups have appeared from everywhere, calling for help from the SSPX-SO and offering help to the new organization. The fathers say that it is not easy to cast them out of places that do not belong to Fellay and that they now understand Fellay’s adamant machinations to take legal possession of more and more properties away from the local NSSPX groups. It may well be that Fellay brought in the Jewish fund-raiser and Dresden lawyer Maximilian Krah to give him legal advice on how to do this. The founding fathers are prudent enough to expect that the autocratic Fellay will unleash lawyers against them at some stage, but they say that they are prepared for this.

In a Declaration dated August 10, 2012, the founding fathers of the SSPX-SO stated that the Neo-SSPX crisis remains as long as its head, Bernie Fellay, teaches errors and allows errors to spread, thus dividing the flock. Fellay is “excusing” the Modernist Vatican II Council instead of rejecting it. This Council’s chief advocate remains Benedict-Ratzinger, who, the fathers state, is praising Vatican II continually, insisting that Mohammedans stay Mohammedans, preparing to Novus Ordo-beatify the successor of Josemaria Escriva (the Opus Dei cult leader), continuing to support the Focolari and other Modernist movements, et al.

The unCatholic teachings of the Modernist Vatican II Council are still raging in the person of one of its leaders, “Fr.” Ratzinger. Even if the “sellout deal” is off for the moment, Fellay remains committed to it. The fathers conclude by reminding Fellay’s Neo-SSPX of Archbishop Lefebvre’s direct words: “Had I signed [the sellout] agreement, we would have been finished in one year.”