Wednesday, 15 September 2010

L'abbé Lorber appelle ses fidèles à venir se prosterner devant l'"antichrist" Ratzinger !!

Nous vous transmettons ici des informations importantes que vient de publier le site :
" La dernière provocation de l’abbé Lorber : il instrumentalise
Amiens pour aller se prosterner devant Benoît XVI au chevet de
Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet !

Voici le texte...


La dernière provocation de l’abbé Lorber : il instrumentalise Amiens pour aller se prosterner devant Benoît XVI au chevet de Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet !

A deux jours de la visite de l’abbé apostat Ratzinger à Paris, le petit clan du ralliement de la FSSPX multiplie les initiatives. L’abbé Celier vient de faire signer un texte de déférence et de respect de l’abbé de Cacqueray envers Ratzinger et l’a publié dans une mise en scène grotesques d’armes du Vatican sur la Porte Latine.

Maintenant c’est l’agitateur abbé Bernard Lorber qui monte une provocation : il tente d’entraîner les fidèles d’Amiens pour vendredi après-midi aux bords du boulevard Saint-Germain, au chevet de l’église Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet, sur le passage de Benoît XVI-Ratzinger, celui que Mgr Lefebvre appelait le « serpent ».

Instrumentalisant la situation scandaleuse des fidèles d’Amiens mis à la rue depuis un an, l’abbé Lorber ose venir se prosterner devant le patron de l’église conciliaire qui est celle-là même qui met les fidèles d’Amiens dans cette situation inacceptable. La misère et les souffrances des fidèles sont ainsi détournées pour alimenter une fausse dialectique du « bon » Ratzinger face au « mauvais » évêques, comme si l’un et les autres n’étaient pas les adeptes du même concile : Vatican II.

Cette opération de l’abbé Lorber (extrêmement lié à l’abbé Lorans qui mène une double vie avec l’église conciliaire et qu’il a médiatisé à l’excès dans la vidéo des « 30 ans » de Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet) a pour but de réaliser l’étape n°1 du plan dévoilé par Arnaud Dumouche : exprimer un respect et une déférence envers Benoît XVI qui donnera ensuite le prétexte attendu par Rome pour lever les sanctions et pousser Mgr Fellay dans des « discussions » fatales, et d’imposer la convocation d’une réunion du chapitre général à Lourdes en fin octobre, pour une prise du pouvoir. Le scénario est très huilé, Mgr Fellay en est la cible et les infiltrés utilisent actuellement toutes leurs courroies de transmission.

En déclarant : « nous voulons assurer le Souverain Pontife de notre attachement indéfectible au Siège apostolique et le remercier pour l’acte courageux posé lors de la publication du Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, en juillet de l’année passée.« , l’abbé Lorber répond OUI à l’ultimatum que Mgr Fellay et les évêques de la FSSPX ont rejeté depuis début juin.

Par cette provocation subtile et en trompe-l’oeil (« défendre Amiens »), l’abbé Lorber, de concert avec les infiltrés, vient exprimer le respect et la déférence à l’égard de Benoît XVI que Castrillon Hoyos attendait et que le Supérieur de la FSSPX s’est refusé à exprimer.

Il conviendrait de s’informer des circonstances dans lesquelles l’abbé Lorber a du quitter précipitemment l’Allemagne en octobre 2006, deux mois à peine après y avoir été envoyé. Nous remercions les lecteurs qui pourront nous aider sur ce sujet.

Pendant ce temps, l‘abbé Jean-Pierre Boubée, visiblement parachuté comme « 4° vicaire » à Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet pour prendre la place de l’abbé Beauvais, sera sur place.

Déjà par les soins des infiltrés de Suresnes, l’abbé de Cacqueray s’étant plié à leurs volontés, l’église de Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet sera pavoisée des couleurs « pontificales » et sonnera les cloches. Un fidèle nous écrit :

« Chers Amis,

Bien amicalement »

L’imposture n’a pas de limites !

Conformément à l’ordre de l’abbé de Cacqueray, l’Eglise Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet et la Chapelle Sainte-Germaine des Ternes seront pavoisées aux « armes » du Vatican à l’occasion de la venue en France de l’abbé-apostat Ratzinger.

Voila ce que j’ai pu lire affiché ce soir sur la porte de l’un de ces deux centres de la FSSPX…

C’est révoltant et insultant pour la mémoire de S.E Mgr Marcel LEFEBRE(+) qui nous avait mis en garde qualifiant Ratzinger de « serpent » !

Continuez votre bon combat

Union de prières en Notre-Seigneur et Notre-Dame.

_message signé_

Ennemond, le porte-parole officieux de l’abbé Celier sur le Forum Catholique multiplie pendant ce temps les appels à la mobilisation sur le FC.

Jusqu’à quand Suresnes sera-t-il dirigé par l’abbé Celier et le petit clan des infiltrés avec qui il travaille ?



Déclaration de l’abbé Lorber

Chers fidèles,

A l’occasion de la visite à Paris du pape Benoît XVI, nous voulons assurer le Souverain Pontife de notre attachement indéfectible au Siège apostolique et le remercier pour l’acte courageux posé lors de la publication du Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, en juillet de l’année passée.

A cet effet, j’encourage ceux qui le peuvent – et j’y serai moi-même – à vous rendre à Paris.

Ce sera pour nous qui vivons à Amiens une situation particulière, l’occasion d’évoquer et l’urgence de notre situation et le désir d’une ouverture franche, d’un dialogue fraternel avec l’autorité ecclésiale locale, qui pour l’instant s’enferme dans un mur de silence, tout en reconnaissant qu’il y a un problème qu’elle ne peut ignorer.

Notre démarche consistera à rappeler la situation, paisiblement, mais de façon concrète. A cet effet, nous aurons vendredi sur le passage du pape, du Collège des Bernardins à la cathédrale, une grande banderole portant une simple phrase : « Amiens, les catholiques encore à la rue… ». Les porteurs de la banderole se situeront sur le trajet, à l’angle du boulevard St-Germain et de la rue des Bernardins.

Nous donnons ensuite rendez-vous à vous, chers fidèles, ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui nous soutiennent, pour une photo sous la banderole. Ce rendez-vous aura lieu sur le parvis de l’église St-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet vers 20h30.

Prions afin que le passage du Vicaire du Christ en notre pays ait des répercussions bénéfiques pour l’Eglise et les âmes, et – directement ou indirectement – pour notre communauté encore éprouvée.

Abbé Bernard Lorber

P.S.: un premier groupe prendra le train vendredi à 12h13, un second groupe samedi matin à 6h05.

sept 11th, 2008 by La Rédaction.


Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009

The Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX), Bishop Bernard Fellay, has granted an extensive interview to Italian news agency APCom (full interview):

[Apcom:] The Pope is in Valle d'Aosta for a period of vacation. [Note: The Pope left Valle d'Aosta for Castel Gandolfo on July 29, which means that the interview was granted before his departure.] You are located very near him. Have you had any contact, or has there been any kind of contact between his entourage and you?

[Fellay:] No, absolutely not. There has been no contact. During his vacation, we must leave the Pope alone [lasciare in pace]. The matters go on with the Vatican, with the people in charge of the conversations. But we have not disturbed the Pope. This is his vacation.

[Apcom:] Bishop Fellay, is a trip of yours to Rome foreseen for the near future? Has the initial date of the dialogue been set? And, about your commission, have you already considered who will take part in it? How many people will form it?

[Fellay:] There is not date set for the beginning of the dialogue, but we may assume that it will be in the autumn. I will be in Rome for that period, but there is nothing yet detailed. The Commission is already formed, by 3-4 people, but we cannot yet mention the names, even if to avoid any kind of pressure.

[Apcom:] Do you consider that in the Vatican there is an excessive sensibility regarding the expectations of the Jewish world, in the "Williamson affair" as well as concerning the Good Friday prayer?

[Fellay:] Yes, I do think so. I am myself embarrassed - after that which took place in the case of Bishop Williamson - when I see Jews who concern themselves with matters of the Catholic Church. It is not their religion. Leave us alone [lasciare in pace].They are matters which concern the Catholic Church. If we wish to pray for the Jews, we will pray for the Jews, in the manner we see fit. I do not know if they pray for us, but I would say that this is their problem.

[Apcom:] Therefore, the Pope and the Vatican receive pressures from the Jewish world?

[Fellay:] Right. This is an extremely delicate and burning matter, and I think that we should remove ourselves from this climate which is not good. There was an unfortunate coincidence of events which must never happen again. In this context, the anger of the Jews can be understood, I understand it, and I deplore what happened.

[Apcom:] In the motu proprio 'Unitatem ecclesiam' [sic: ECCLESIAE UNITATEM], the Pope maintains that "the doctrinal questions obviously remain, the Fraternity does not a canonical status in the Church, and its ministers cannot exercise any ministry in a legitimate manner". What do you think of this?

[Fellay:] I think that nothing much has changed. What has changed is that this new disposition will focus our relations on doctrinal matters. But it is not a change, it is a process that moves forward, and that we had already asked for in 2000; the path goes forward. That which the Pope writes is in line with the usual speech of Rome, since 1976, therefore it is not new. We maintain a clear position, which we have carried on for a while, and that we maintain, even if we are in contrast with this law, that there are serious reasons that justify the fact that we exercise this ministry legitimately. The circumstances in which the Church finds herself, which we call a "state of necessity". For example, when a great catastrophe happens in a country, its ordinary structure is put out of use, the system goes into crisis mode, and then all those who are able to help do help. And therefore it is not our personal will, but the need of the faithful that demands the help of all those who are able to help. And this state of necessity is very widespread in the Church - there are certainly some exceptions - in order to secure, in conscience, the legitimate exercise of the apostolate.

[Apcom:] What juridical status do you desire for the Fraternity of Saint Pius X? A prelature, a society of apostolic life, or what?

[Fellay:] It will depend on Rome, obviously, that is the authority that will decide this structure. Their perspective is the wish to respect at the utmost the concrete reality that we represent. My hope is that we be sufficiently protected to exercise the apostolate to be able to do good, without being always stopped from action by juridical reasons. The hope is for a prelature, even if I do not have a preference. On the timetable, I cannot express myself, it all depends on Rome.

[Apcom:] For Williamson, the Second Vatican Council is a "poisoned cake", to be thrown in the "dustbin"; for Tissier de Mallerais, the Council should be "cancelled"; and for Alfonso de Gallareta [sic] there is not "much to salvage" from the Council: is there a division inside the Fraternity of Saint Pius X? How do you intend to solve it? The Vatican maintains that there are divisions inside the Fraternity.

[Fellay:] I might say that I do not see union even in the Vatican. The problem in the Church of our age is not us. We have become a problem only because we say that there is a problem. Besides, even if we may give the impression of opposing or even contradictory declarations, there are no internal fractures. For example, on the Council, we may say that almost all of it is to be rejected. But it may also be said that what is possible should be salvaged. But we all can never say the same thing. The Council is a mixture: there are good things, and bad. Even the Pope, when he maintains that a hermeneutic of continuity is to be desired, that he does not want a rupture, rejects the Council interpreted as rupture.

[Apcom:] Is Bishop Williamson a problem?

[Fellay:] He is a completely marginal problem. What he said has no relation whatsoever with the crisis of the Church, with the core issue with which we have dealt for 30 years following the Council, it is a historical matter. The question of knowing how many and in what way the Jews were killed is not a matter of faith, it is not even a religious matter, is is a historical matter. We are obviously convinced that he did not consider this matter as he should have, and we have distanced ourselves. But on the religious positions of the Fraternity regarding the Council, I do not see any problem with Williamson.

[Apcom:] Williamson says that the Council is a "poisoned cake" to be thrown away in the "dustbin". Does this phrase not seem to you a bit strong? Are you in agreement with it?

[Fellay:] It is a controversial phrase, but I do not condemn him. So many declarations today are made in a controversial tome, it is a provocation made in order to make people think. I would state the concept in another way, but I do not know if I am not in agreement. I would say it in another way, I would say that we must transcend the Council to return to that which the Church has always taught, and from which the Church cannot separate herself, and in a certain moment we must transcend the Council which intended to be pastoral, and not doctrinal. Which wished to concern itself with the mutable situation of the Church. But things change, and so many things of the Council are now worn-out.

[Apcom:] Bishop Williamson had promised to remain in silence, but he continues to speak: will he be punished? If he continues to maintain that a compromise with Rome on the Council is not possible, will he be expelled?

[Fellay:] It is not true that Williamson speaks often. It is very rare... he once said something... and then we did not ask him to keep silent about everything. The field about which we asked for his silence was very limited. His removal has been temporary. I downplay it as much as possible... it is not to be exaggerated... at the moment, I see no grounds for expulsion. It depends on him, on the situation in which he placed himself. For the time being, it is an ongoing process, he has seriously damaged his reputation, I cannot imagine anything beyond the situation in which he already is. It will depend on what he says. He has already been sufficiently punished, pushed to the margin, with no position.

[Apcom:] And, regarding the Council, will you accept a compromise with Rome?

[Fellay:] We will not make any compromise on the Council. I have no intention of making a compromise. The truth does not tolerate compromise. We do not want a compromise, we want clarity regarding the Council.

[Apcom:] The recent ordinations of priests have been seen as a provocation: would it have not been better to avoid them, in this delicate moment?

[Fellay:] It was not a provocation. Some bishops profited of occasion to claim provocation. But it was not a provocation, neither for Rome nor for us. It is like preventing a person from breathing. We are a priestly society whose goal is to form priests. And therefore to prevent the ultimate act of formation, which is the ordination, is like preventing someone from breathing. On the other hand, it had always been foreseen and we had always known that with the removal of the excommunication a new situation has taken place which is better than the preceding one, but not perfect. For us, it is normal to move forward with our activities, and, therefore, with the ordinations.

[Apcom:] L'Osservatore Romano has mentioned Calvin, Michael Jackson, Harry Potter, Oscar Wilde. What do you think of this?

[Fellay:] I ask myself: is the role of "L'Osservatore Romano" truly to busy itself with such matters? This is a first question. And the second question is: what is said about these people is truly the right thing? I have a mostly critical appraisal of such matters.

[Apcom:] Do you believe that this tired matter of the Lefebvrians may finally reach an end with this Pope?

[Fellay:] I do believe that there is certainly good hope. I believe that we must pray intensely, they are very delicate matters. We have been in this situation for 40 years, and not for personal considerations, but truly for serious things which pertain to the faith and to the future of the Church. We certainly see in the Pope an authentic will to reach the core of the matter, and we cherish this with all satisfaction. We pray, and we hope, that with grace of the good God we will reach something that is good for the Church and for ourselves.

[Apcom:] What do you think of Benedict XVI?

[Fellay:] He is an upright man, who regards the situation and the life of the Church most seriously.

RORATE COELI 15-09-2010


Personalidades criticam que Papa seja recebido no Reino Unido em visita de Estado

Mais de 50 personalidades britânicas da ciência e das artes, incluindo o ator Stephen Fry e os escritores Ken Follet e Philip Pullman, criticaram hoje o facto de o Papa ser recebido no Reino Unido em visita de Estado.

Num manifesto muito incisivo publicado pelo diário The Guardian, os subscritores argumentam que Bento XVI não merece a honra deste género de visita ao Reino Unido pelo facto de, na qualidade de líder religioso e chefe de Estado, “liderar um Estado e uma organização responsável” por actividades condenáveis.

Os signatários referem designadamente “a oposição à distribuição de preservativos, que fomenta famílias numerosas em países pobres e a propagação da SIDA; negar o aborto, incluindo às mulheres mais vulneráveis; opor-se à igualdade de direitos para homossexuais, bissexuais e transexuais, e não abordar os numerosos casos de abusos de menores no interior da sua própria organização”.

Na missiva, também assinada pelo filósofo Anthony Grayling, o cientista Richard Dawkins ou a dirigente trabalhista baronesa Tessa Blackstone, também é reconhecido que o Papa, na qualidade de cidadão europeu e líder de uma religião com seguidores no Reino Unido, tem direito a visitar o país. No entanto, sublinham que a deslocação não merece a honra de uma visita de Estado, que lhe permitirá ser recebido pela rainha Isabel II ou encontrar-se com o chefe do Governo, David Cameron, entre outros atos oficiais.

O Papa chega na quinta-feira ao Reino Unido para uma visita pastoral de quatro dias em que estão previstas 16 intervenções públicas.

I ONLINE 15-09-2010


Esclusivo - Parla Monsignor Stenico: “Non sono gay, il mio era un esperimento per scrivere un libro contro l’omosessualità nel clero”

di Bruno Volpe

CITTA’ DEL VATICANO – Chi lo conosce, sa della sua passione per il Servo di Dio Paolo VI. Monsignor Tommaso Stenico (nella foto con Giovanni Paolo II) non ha mai perso occasione per ricordare, anche da queste colonne, il Papa bresciano dimenticato dalla storia. Ed è forse proprio da Giovan Battista Montini che ha preso esempio mantenendo la calma in un momento così burrascoso – il peggiore che potrebbe vivere un sacerdote – della propria vita personale e religiosa. Con calma, dunque, il grande accusato, il prete ripreso dalle telecamere nascoste di “Exit” (La7) mentre ospita in Vaticano un ragazzo omosessuale conosciuto in una chat room a luci rosse, parla e racconta la sua versione dei fatti, partendo con una considerazione che, per onestà intellettuale e professionale, pubblichiamo: "Francamente, da “Petrus” non mi aspettavo questo trattamento, ma cristianamente sopporto, non faro' querele, il tempo e' galantuomo ed io sono cristiano".

Monsignore, si tratta di un’intervista delicata: che può dirci su quanto riportato dalla stampa?

"Confermo, l'episodio e' avvenuto realmente".

Come sarebbe a dire, si autoaccusa?

"Assolutamente no. Magari sono stato un grande ingenuo, forse ho peccato di superficialita'. Il ragazzo de La 7 e' veramente entrato nel mio studio, il personaggio ripreso sono io, non contesto le riprese e le evidenze, e' tutto sacrosantamente vero. Ma io non sono gay, anzi ho dovuto difendermi da ben altre insinuazioni per la mia prestanza fisica…".

E allora come stanno i fatti?

"Bene, volevo scrivere e redigere un libro, una ricerca sul problema dell’omosessualità tra i preti. Oggi il demonio sta entrando nella Chiesa e lasciano solo il Papa. Dunque, mi sono messo su Internet ed ho cercato siti gay, ho contattato quel ragazzo ed è venuto da me. Sara' stato in luglio, ora non ricordo, ma non di domenica. Fatto sta che la televisione ha carpito la mia buona fede: in sostanza era solo un esperimento, uno studio sul tema, ed io sono caduto, ma spieghero' tutto ai miei superiori".

Agira' contro La 7 per le riprese fatte a sua insaputa?

"Adesso non so, ma ci penserò"

Non avrebbe dovuto informare del fatto e del suo esperimento i suoi superiori?

"Forse sì, ho peccato in questo. Ma mi creda, io non ho fatto nulla di male, tant’è che sono stato io a mandare via il ragazzo".

Lei e' stato sospeso dai suoi incarichi in Vaticano, vero?

"Sì, mi hanno sospeso ed è iniziato un procedimento disciplinare. Dal canto loro, i superiori hanno ragione ed io obbedisco; forse la difesa avrebbe necessita' di maggiori garanzie, ma mi metto anche nei loro panni. Lo ripeto, l'episodio e' vero, il prete sono io, ma si tratta solo di un banale equivoco, lo chiariro' e subito".

Suspended Catholic cleric has Vatican gay list -- report

Agence France-Presse
First Posted 23:15:00 10/19/2007

Filed Under: Gender Issues, Religions, Religion & Belief

Editor's Note: Re-posts to clarify Catholic Church position on homosexuality in last paragraph.

ROME -- A high profile Vatican cleric suspended after he was shown on television making advances to a young man allegedly had a list of homosexual priests and bishops in the Roman Catholic Church's governing body, Italy's Panorama weekly reported Friday.

Father Tommaso Stenico, 60, had "a detailed dossier" of all the homosexual clerics at Vatican "with a list of names and circumstances implicating a certain number of priests and even bishops working at the Curia," Ignazio Ingrao, reporter for the conservative news weekly said.

Stenico also sent his superior Cardinal Claudio Hummes a report denouncing the moral degradation within the Curia, which could make the Vatican "tremble," Ingrao said.

According to Panorama, Stenico, who also worked for a Catholic television station Telepace and owns a white BMW car, also drew up the list out of resentment at having waited so long to be named a bishop.

A hidden camera in his office showed the priest, who worked in a Vatican department managing the 400,000 Roman Catholic priests around the world, declaring himself an "active homosexual" and making sexual advances to a young man.

On October 1, Italian television station La7 aired footage from the encounter showing the two men with their faces blurred.

Stenico argued he had been trapped and had falsely stated he was homosexual "in order to unmask those who really are."

Last week, the Vatican suspended the priest and opened an investigation.

Should Stenico be found guilty of homosexual activity, which the Roman Catholic church bans, he risks being defrocked.


Vatican Suspends Cleric for TV Gay Talk

Reportedly IDs Him as Priest Discussing Gay Issues on TV

29 comments Oct. 14, 2007

PrintRSSFont Size: Share:EmailTwitterFacebookMoreFarkTechnoratiGoogleLiveMy SpaceNewsvineRedditDeliciousMixxYahooMonsignor Tommaso Stenico has told the Associated Press that he is the Vatican official suspended after an elaborate sting conducted by a private Italian television network to expose gay priests.

This man, who claims to be the suspended priest, says he was conducting research on the spread of homosexuality through the clergy.
(ABC News)
The network hired a man to contact a handful of priests on the Internet and then secretly film their meetings.

Stenico was anonymous, but was reportedly identified by his voice and the appearance of his office in the background.

In one conversation, the priest identified as Stenico is reportedly heard on camera saying he doesn't believe homosexual sex is a sin.

There are no allegations that sex took place.

In an interview with the Rome daily La Repubblica, Stenico said he was only pretending to be gay as part of his work as a psychotherapist.
"It's all false. It was a trap," Stenico said. "I was a victim of my own attempts to contribute to cleaning up the church with my psychoanalyst work."
The Vatican moved quickly to suspend Stenico while it conducts its investigation. A Vatican spokesman said the case is being handled "with the utmost reserve."

Homosexual tendencies are not considered a sin in the Catholic Church, though homosexual sex is.
Homosexuality in the priesthood has not been a big issue in Europe, but Vatican reporter Marco Politi said that may be changing.
"Until now, the church has had to deal with this abroad, " he said. "Now, they have to face it inside Italy."

Jim Sciutto and Hanna Siegel contributed to this report.